Page 152 - Pure Life 38
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Extremist Thought in The New Media and Its Impact on Society… F. Abdel Sater et al (151
number of individuals and traditional media in the past
and processes to the same decades. With the emergence
communication tool, in of social media networks, this
translating and tracking invasion has turned into media
their movements in a single because of its effective influence
technological language in changing the culture and
(Kissinger, 2015). values based on the behavioral
It means it is working on and intellectual orientations of
espionage and spreading the members of society browsing
extremism at the same time. it. This has contributed to the
Reports indicate that there are emergence of extremist ideologies
more than 30,000 fake accounts within online communities that
with fake names on Facebook, have become a source of great
belonging to individuals and officers concern, as these communities
from the security and intelligence are led by influential figures,
services of the Israel regime especially with the emergence
who are fluent in all languages of platforms that promote
of the world. It is an attempt to intellectual extremism that destroys
reach the largest segment of human life and society.
Facebook users in the Arab The language of violence,
world and the meaning of the hateful speech, and extremism
sentence “If the page is in in the debates and programs of
Arabic, the target is the these platforms, the Defending
Arabs” (Abu Nahl, 2017). the Companions and Mothers
So, how did the Takfiri of the Believers Network is one
system benefit from exploiting of them on the YouTube platform
this technology to spread its which has produced a generation
extremist ideology that destroys of fanatical youth who reject
human life and society, and any other thought that has reached
through what platform? the limits of extremism. Thus,
The intellectual invasion of to measure the extent of influence,
the East, specifically Islamic researchers should study the
thought, has invaded the new process of repeatedly publishing