Page 157 - Pure Life 38
P. 157
156 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(38), Spring. 2024
Their inner being is like the By analyzing the frames and
Qur’anic verse which said, nomenclature of these programs,
“Muhammad, the we find that the content
Apostle of Allah, and contained, at the level of
those who are with him frames, many expressions that
are hard against the constitute concepts and
faithless and merciful foundations in the exclusionary
amongst themselves” and Takfiri direction of the
(The Qur'an, 48: 29). other such as denial, infidelity,
Then Khamis quoted a narration and accusation. As for the level
from the Holy Prophet in which of nomenclature, we find
He praised Imam Hasan’s peace expressions about concepts such as
and did not praise Imam Ali in sectarianism and polytheism, and
the fight! Although Aisha cried these frameworks and labels
until her veil was wet because enter through the process of
of what happened in the days of extracting the implicit meanings
the al-Jamal war, at last Imam carried by the text.
Ali was the closest to the truth. The observation was made
So, this thought is based on during the dialogue, the interaction
confusion and contradiction and participation rates were
which aims to the following cases: recorded by followers of “ISIS”
• Falsifying and distorting facts believers and other Islamic sects
• Providing followers with lies around the globe as an indicator
and deception in twisted ways of the impact that such content
• Showing affection for the has on the Arab and Islamic
honorable Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) environment and its danger to future
• Directing the individuals to accept youth and upcoming societies.
falsehood and not distinguish The process observed the
truth, by establishing a culture of number of views, likes, and
being satisfied with everyone, comments, reflects the level of
and asking for forgiving them, demand for ideological and
even by declaring war on intellectual topics, and its level
their Imams. of influence (influence score).