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                       50  /    International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(38), Spring. 2024
                       Introduction                              understanding  the  opinions  of
                       All human beings are looking for          other Islamic thinkers.

                       happiness  and  true  perfection.            We are trying to investigate the
                       But  what  is  happiness  and             foundations  of  Ṣadrā  in  the
                       perfection? And how can they              field  of  ethics.  A  proper

                       be  achieved?  In  response  to           understanding        of      these
                       these  two  questions,  various           foundations can be effective in
                       theories  have  been  presented,          shaping specific and pure life.

                       which sometimes appear to be in           In other words, building  one's
                       opposition to each other. In many         life  based  on  strong  intellectual
                       cases, disagreements on moral             foundations  frees  a  person

                       issues are rooted in fundamental          from doubt and enables him to
                       differences,  that’s  why  moral          live  a  happy  life  peacefully
                       values differ from one school to          and  away  from  anxiety  and
                       another. For example, perfection          stress. Such a style of life will

                       and happiness are different for           not  be  achieved  but  through
                       an  irreligious  person  and  a           relying    on     the    authentic

                       religious one, and happiness is           foundations that Islamic thinkers
                       different  for  a  liberal  and  a        have  introduced.  Therefore,
                       communist. Therefore, it is useful        the  purpose  of  the  author  in
                       and  necessary  to  examine  the          this research is to introduce the

                       intellectual    foundations     of        intellectual foundations of Mulla
                       thinkers                                  Ṣadrā  and  its  effect  on  the
                         Examining the foundations of            realization  of  pure  life.  The

                       Mulla Ṣadrā's moral thought is            author  believes  that  paying
                       important     because      he    is       attention to strong and reliable
                       considered one of the greatest            foundations and regulating life

                       Islamic  thinkers  and  many              based on them can provide the
                       philosophers,  theologians,  and          human  need  for  peace  and
                       thinkers  in  other  fields  of           comfort in life
                       humanities are influenced by his             Among  the  various  ethical
                       thoughts.  Therefore,  examining          foundations, we focused on the
                       his opinions is also effective in         ontological  foundations  of
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