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                       54  /    International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(38), Spring. 2024
                       lifetime. Therefore, it is normal         Evidence for Ṣadrā's Moral
                       that  the  issues  of  moral              Realism

                       philosophy cannot be found in             Although Mulla Ṣadrā did not
                       a single, detailed, and coherent          provide      an      independent
                       manner in his works. Thus, to             definition  for  Moral  Realism,

                       cite  the  opinions  of  moral            it  seems  that,  based  on  his
                       philosophy in general and moral           perspective,  it  is  necessary  to
                       ontology (moral realism) and its          separate  epistemological  from

                       influence  on  pure  life  in             ontological  dimensions  in  the
                       particular,  it  is  necessary  to        aforementioned  definitions  of
                       consider their related expressions        moral  realism.  For  example,

                       and extract their viewpoint by            whether  moral  judgments  are
                       analyzing      and     examining          true  or  false  is  related  to  the
                       them. On one hand, to deduce              epistemology  of  ethics,  but
                       the issues of moral realism,  it          whether moral values are real,

                       is  not  enough  to  study  and           regardless  of  the  moral  agent,
                       examine  a  specific  work,  all          is  a  completely  ontological

                       works should be considered.               issue.  Therefore,  from  his
                         On the other hand, examining            viewpoint, realism can be seen
                       the background of the research            as  believing  in  the  reality  of
                       shows that Mulla Ṣadrā's views            moral  values  and  their  non-

                       on ontology i.e., philosophy in           dependence on the moral agent
                       the  general  sense,  general             or    agents.    So,     all   the
                       epistemology,  and  politics  have        viewpoints that consider ethics

                       been  published  in  a  limited           to be dependent on the feelings
                       number  of  works.  However,              of  individuals  or  collective
                       nothing was found regarding the           agreement  or  commands  that

                       ontological  foundations  of  his         are  not  based  on  reality, have
                       ethics, especially what focuses           in a sense considered ethics to
                       on  the  explanation  of  moral           be  dependent  on  the  moral

                       realism from his viewpoint and            agent and hence are considered
                       paying attention to its effect on         nonrealistic  theories.  (Misbah,

                       pure life.                                2008: 48)
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