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                       52  /    International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(38), Spring. 2024
                       what  is  good  and  bad.                 who defined realism from their
                       However, this belief is complex           viewpoint,  is  the  belief  in

                       and can be categorized into the           objective  reality  for  moral
                       following three main claims;              values, not subjective one, i.e.,
                       1.  Moral  facts  are  considered         regardless  of  the  moral  agent,

                          special  and  different  from          moral values exist. Of course,
                          other  facts,  but  there  is          Mulla  Ṣadrā's  view  differs
                          disagreement  among  realists          from  other  realists  in  two

                          as to whether natural facts can        following ways at least;

                          be considered moral facts.                The first point is the type of
                       2.   Moral facts are independent          reality of moral values in which

                          of  beliefs  or  thoughts  that        Mulla  Ṣadrā  goes  back  to  the
                          people may have about them.            real    relationship      between
                       3.  People  can  make  mistakes           voluntary  affairs  and  the  true
                          about  what  is  right  and            perfection of man, but the type

                          wrong,  even  if  they  think          of moral reality in the Western
                          carefully      about       their       philosophers’  viewpoint  is

                          decisions  (Ref; Dancy, 1998)          different due to the differences
                         Examining  each  of  the                in  foundations,  and  includes
                       above-mentioned        definitions        items  such  as  being  adaptable
                       demands  another  domain.  By             with  nature,  rationality,  etc.

                       separating the epistemological            The  second  point  is  the
                       aspects  from  the  ontological           separation of ontological aspects
                       ones,  moral  realism  can  be            from epistemological ones, since

                       considered  as  a  belief  i.e.,          in other theories such as Miller's
                       regardless  of  the  feelings  and        and  McNaughton's  definition,
                       desires of individuals, the contract      the issues of the truth or falsity

                       and  collective  agreement  and           of moral propositions are also
                       order of the commanders, moral            pointed  out,  which  refer  to
                       values are real. Then we discover         epistemology  and  not  the

                       values not construct them.                ontology,  while  in  Ṣadrā's
                         The  common  point  of  Mulla           view,  these  matters  are  apart
                       Ṣadrā and the moral philosophers,         from each other.
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