Page 52 - Pure Life 38
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Mulla Ṣadrā's Moral Realism… H. Mohiti Ardakan (51
ethics and examined them from study, what is Mullah Ṣadrā's
the perspective of Mulla Ṣadrā, ontological foundations in
the founder of Transcendental moral issues and what effect
Wisdom. The most important does his view have on pure life?
issue in the ontological field of
ethics is the issue of moral Theoretical Foundations and
realism or non-realism. Research Background
According to moral realism, 1. Moral Realism
morality is rooted in reality, but Several definitions have been
according to non-realism, morality presented for moral realism.
is based on individual feelings, Referring to some of the
collective agreements, etc. The provided definitions, we will
answer to the question of explain what we mean by
whether morality is real or not moral realism. Richard W
has a tremendous impact on our Miller believes that in moral
moral decisions, actions, and realism, moral judgments are
judgments. Hence, its examination considered to be statements of
is of particular importance. So, truth. These statements do not
we concentrated on moral realism merely describe the beliefs or
from Mulla Ṣadrā's viewpoint cultural norms of the person
and the impact of his foundation making the claim, but instead,
on pure life in brief. they assert objective moral
Although few works related truths that can be recognized
to his intellectual foundations by others. (Miller, 1992: 1154)
have been published, the McNaughton believes that the
discussion of moral realism moral reality is independent of our
from his viewpoint and its moral beliefs which determines
influence on our lives has not whether they are true or false
been investigated. For this (McNaughton, 1991: 7).
reason, the review of their According to Jonathan Dancy,
opinions can provide the basis moral realism is the belief that
for further research. Therefore, there are objective facts about
as the main question of this what is right and wrong, and