Page 68 - Pure Life 38
P. 68

Mulla Ṣadrā's Moral Realism… H. Mohiti Ardakan (67

                       becoming      a    prisoner     of        humans, but also God, himself,
                       worldly pleasures and lusts, he           and  other  animals  and  plants.

                       will  use  them  in  the  direction       The  result  of  this  level  of
                       of moral growth and perfection.           responsibility  is  that  no  one's
                       The result of such a life will be         rights will be violated as much

                       satisfactory  interaction  with           as possible. Another point is that
                       others, satisfaction with personal        the center of human attention in
                       life, pleasing God Almighty, and          this style of life is God Almighty
                       respect for the environment               instead of being a human being,
                         When  a  person  realizes  that         and  His  satisfaction  is  preferred
                       regardless  of  the  wishes  and          over the satisfaction of others. In

                       desires    of    people,    social        moral  dilemmas,  the  acquisition
                       agreements,       and       divine        of  spiritual  things  that  are
                       commands,  there  is  a  real  and        pleasing to God is preferred over
                       ontological relationship between          material things that are pleasing

                       voluntary  affairs  and  the  true        to creatures.
                       happiness of a person, and each               Another  consequence  of
                       of the voluntary movements of             believing in moral realism is that

                       a person causes the rise or fall          the inner and spirit of actions are
                       of him, he will be more careful           more  important  than  their
                       in   choosing      his    actions.        appearance  in  the  eyes  of  the

                       Undoubtedly,       every      wise        moral  realist.  For  this  reason,
                       individual  who  is  concerned            even when performing the duties
                       about     securing     his     real       and     tasks    that    are    his

                       happiness,    with     a   correct        responsibility, he performs them
                       understanding  of  the  above-            not  only  for  the  reason  that  is
                       mentioned  moral  realism,  will          obligatory  on  him  but  also
                       experience  a  different  life  and       because  it  leads  to  his  growth

                       will  adopt  a  religious  pure  life     and  perfection.  Therefore,  he
                       whose  minimum  result  is                does not feel dissatisfaction and

                       worldly  peace  and  enjoying             fatigue in performing his duties,
                       divine blessings in the Hereafter         but  he  performs  them  with
                          In  this  life,  the  level  of        complete         peace         and
                       human      responsibility     will        satisfaction.

                       reach  its  peak  and  its  scope
                       will  include  not  only  other
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