Page 66 - Pure Life 38
P. 66

Mulla Ṣadrā's Moral Realism… H. Mohiti Ardakan (65

                       difficult  for  some  Muslims  to            Mulla  Ṣadrā's  realism  can
                       act on their basis, it should be          also  affect  human  life  in

                       noted  that  all  the  mentioned          another way. Ṣadrā's attention
                       rules are rooted in reality, and          to the issue of the embodiment
                       acting according to them brings           of human actions and the effect

                       true happiness. This explanation          of  human  actions  on  his  inner
                       will make a person accept those           self  and  character  is  an
                       commandments with satisfaction.           important  point  that  prevents
                       Therefore,  paying  attention  to         humans from committing vices.

                       the  philosophy  of  moral  and           If  a  person  pays  attention  to
                       jurisprudence  rules  is  the             the point in his moral life that

                       guarantee of human happiness              every  action,  however  small,
                       and  this  can  be  considered  as        forms  a  part  of  his  existential
                       one  of  the  advantages  of              structure  or  personality  and
                       Shari'ah-based  religions.  In            has  an  influence  on  his  inner

                       these  religions,  there  are  more       being  and  will  be  resurrected
                       opportunities to guide people to          in  the  same  inner  form  in  the
                       happiness, of course, if there are        hereafter,  he  will  be  more

                       no distortions in those rules.            careful  in  performing  his
                         The  fourth  reason  given  to          actions morally.
                       explain  Mulla  Ṣadrā's  realism             The  pure  life  of  such  a

                       also  inspires  the  point  that          person  will  be  different  from
                       human  actions  are  influential          others  in  economic,  social,
                       in shaping the future of human            political,  and  cultural  matters

                       life  and  the  future  must  be          because  such  a  person  feels
                       built  with  moral  actions  and          more responsible towards God
                       only in this way can mankind              Almighty  and  His  creatures.
                       be  freed  from  existing  moral          Such      a    person      always

                       problems. Ignoring the rights of          considers  himself  in  the
                       the  oppressed,  colonization  of         presence  of  God,  as  stated  in
                       weak  people  and  governments,           the  14   verse  of  Surah  ‘Alaq,
                       and moral corruption related to           “Does he not know that Allah
                       women  are  part  of  existing            sees  [him]?”  He  does  not
                       moral problems that cannot be             usurp  and  encroach  on  the

                       overcome  except  by  living              rights  of  others,  respects
                       morally                                   others,  and  strives  to  fight
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