Page 64 - Pure Life 38
P. 64

Mulla Ṣadrā's Moral Realism… H. Mohiti Ardakan (63

                       the  human  pure  life  and               one's hopes, wishes, and desires
                       distinguishes the life of believers       may  not  lead  to  happiness.  In

                       in  God  and  monotheists  from           this respect, Allah (SWT) said,
                       polytheists and deniers of God.                 “Yet  it  may  be  that  you
                       It  is  clear  that  God  plays  a              dislike something while it

                       central  role  in  life,  and  the              is  good  for  you,  and  it
                       believer always strives to gain                 may  be  that  you  love
                       God's  pleasure,  owes  all  his                something while it is bad
                       facilities  to  God,  and  submits              for you and Allah knows

                       and obeys his orders. In contrast,              and  you  do  not  know”.
                       life is based on unrealistic views              (The Qur'an, 2: 216)

                       such as emotionalism, socialism,             In  some  other  verses,  He
                       existentialist  ethics,  and  other       forbade  following  convention
                       views in which man is authority           and  the  majority  of  people,
                       and  not  God.  Man  focuses  on          because  most  people  act  based

                       material  and  worldly  affairs           on  suspicions,  and  following
                       and  ignores  the  other  world           them is not necessarily related to
                       while  according  to  the  verses         attaining  reality  and  perfection.

                       of the Holy Qur'an, the world             He said,
                       is the real and alive one,                      “If  you  obey  most  of
                             “The     abode      of   the              those  on  the  earth,  they

                             Hereafter is indeed Life”.                will lead you astray from
                             (The Qur'an, 29: 64)                      the  way  of  Allah.  They
                         Since  believing  in  unrealistic             follow      nothing      but

                       approaches  leads  people  to                   conjectures  and  they  do
                       animalism  instead  of  bringing                nothing  but  surmise”.
                       them  a  good  and  pure  life  and             (The Qur'an, 6:116)
                       real happiness. In some verses of            According  to  Islamic  moral

                       the  Holy  Qur'an,  God  warns            thought  and  based  on  Mulla
                       believers  from  adopting  such           Ṣadrā's  perspective,  the  best

                       approaches. For example, based            life is achieved when a person
                       on  the  216   verse  of  Surah           chooses the right path wisely and
                       Baqarah, God Almighty denies              preserves the dignity and position
                       the association between human             of  humanity,  which  is  a  divine

                       desire and achieving happiness and        position, and avoids drowning
                       has  pointed  out  that  following
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