Page 145 - Pure Life 07
P. 145

The Day of Ashura: A Microcosm of the Human Condition / 91

                     Yazid’s men had believed that the masses would
                  agree  with  their  actions  and  share  in  their
                  happiness.  When  they  realized  that  the  truth  had
                  been  spread,  by  witnesses  and  the  likes  of  brave
                  women  such  as  Lady  Zainab,  they  began  to  fear,
                  and  intended  to  change  history.  Source  relays  the
                  likes of “Ibn Hajar al-Haythami […] went to so far
                  as  to  claim  that  Yazid  was  not  pleased  that  al-
                  Hussain  was  killed  and  had  not  ordered  that  to
                  happen.”   But  regardless  of  the  researchers,  the
                  voice of the witnesses and the death of his family
                  was enough to refute such claims.

                      6.  Keeping  alive  the  truth  of  the  Day  of
                         Ashura and the message of Imam Hussain
                  Further attempts were made to shift the blame on to
                  Imam Hussain. There was a push for propaganda of
                  portraying  of  “al-Hussain  and  his  followers  as
                  Kharijites,  or  as  sinners  who  had  rebelled  against
                  the  constitution...  as  represented  by  Yazid  ibn
                  Muawiya… [and] spread discord on the ummah.”
                     Their  attempts  had  backfired  on  them  as  “an
                  increasing  numbers  of  people  rejected  [the  false
                  claims]  after  the  extent  of  its  distance  from  the

                  1.  Shams  Ad-Din  Al-Amili,
                  2. Shams Ad-Din Al-Amili, Ibid.
                  3. Ibid.
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