Page 149 - Pure Life 07
P. 149

The Day of Ashura: A Microcosm of the Human Condition / 87

                     To see how a single person can make such a drastic
                  change in his or her life provides magnificent hope for
                  change for many. It reinforces that God’s mercy is not far
                  for those who seek it. Both Zuhair and Hurr embody the
                  struggle every person will face at least once in their life.
                     It  is  not  always  easy  to  choose  the  right  side,
                  especially  when  there  is  no  material  reward,  and
                  when  there  are  so  few  walking  the  straight  path.
                  But  these  great  martyrs  show  that  if  one  allows
                  one’s intellect to govern their interests rather than
                  self-preservation  and  reward,  one  can  become  a
                  human being in the truest, greatest sense. Through
                  their  intellect,  they  governed  their  decisions  with
                  the  upright  principles  of  enjoining  good  and
                  forbidding  evil—a  characteristic  that  only  a  true
                  human being can possess and protect.

                      5.  A martyr’s blood: the cause of immortality
                  After  the  Day  of  Ashura,  many  believed  that  the
                  Family  of  the  Prophet  had  lost  everything  and
                  would be obliterated from history. In the moment,
                  to those who saw death as an ending, this was true.
                     “Those  who  were  flowing in the  current  of  the
                  events  may  not  have  realized  the  importance  of
                  each  and  every  incident,  but  when  we  consider
                  those  events  today  we  can  place  each  and  every
                  incident in a proper perspective.”

                  1.  Rizvi,
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