Page 152 - Pure Life 07
P. 152


                  84  PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.7, (Safar Al-Muzaffar 1438. Azar 1395. November 2016)

                     Imam concluded the prayers and Zuhair fell dead.”
                     Zuhair  died  while  standing  on  the  side  of
                  righteousness.  It  was  his  moral  conscience  that
                  transformed  his  will  from  turning  away  to  facing
                  the army. Imam Hussain tells him, “'God will not
                  destroy you, Zuhair. May He curse your killers and
                  may  He  curse  those  who  turned  themselves  into
                  baboons and pigs.'”
                     It is not only Zuhair’s bravery that makes him a
                  memorable martyr in the eyes of so many, but that he
                  chose  to  protect  Imam  Hussain  instead  of  turning
                  away  and  protecting  himself.  As  stated  by  Imam
                  Hussain,  the  killers  of  Zuhair  are  the  animals  who
                  have  killed  the  man  who  chose  the  side  of  angels.
                  Zuhair  could  have  easily  joined  the  side  of  the
                  oppressors  through  indifference,  but  he  chose  to
                  protect  truth,  thus  embodying  the  courage  to  leave
                  one’s comfort for the sake of protecting what is right.
                     Another renowned martyr is a man by the name of
                  Hurr ibn Yazid al-Riyahi. Like Zuhair, he was a man
                  who made the right choice by joining Imam Hussain.
                  Unlike  Zuhair,  Hurr  had  already  belonged  to  the
                  opposing army. It is said that Hurr did not join Yazid’s
                  army out of hatred towards Imam Husain but that he,
                  like Zuhair, was indifferent to “political issues.”

                  1.  Mulla  Bashir  Rahim,
                  2.  Shams  Ad-Din  Al-Amili,
                  3. Mulla Bashir Rahim, Ibid.
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