Page 153 - Pure Life 07
P. 153

The Day of Ashura: A Microcosm of the Human Condition / 83

                     It  is  further  narrated  that  the  companions  of
                  Zuhair “disliked this message so much that [they]
                  put down [their] morsels.”
                     Zuhair  did  not  immediately  oblige  to  join  the
                  Imam. Instead, his true duty and the reality of the
                  situation  was  shaken  into  him  by  his  wife,  Lady
                  Dulham who reminded him, “‘The son of the Holy
                  Prophet  of  Allah  has  sent  someone  to  you  and
                  called you; are you not prepared to go to him?
                     Allah be praised! What is the harm if you go and
                  see him, hear what he has to say and then return!’”
                     It was when Zuhair remembered that this world is
                  not permanent and that he had to, one day, face Allah
                  (swt)  in  the  next  world  even  if  he  turned  his  face
                  from  Imam  Hussain  in  this  world.  And  so,  Zuhair
                  decided to leave behind his wife and comfortable life
                  and  began  his  journey  to  be  one  of  the  greatest
                  martyrs  in  history.  Imam  Hussain,  recognizes  the
                  difficulty  of  this  choice,  and  comforts  Zuhair,  “Do
                  not be worried on account of what has happened…”
                     Zuhair  “offered  to  stand  in  from  of  Imam  to
                  protect  him”  during  Zuhr  prayers  on  the  Day  of
                  Ashura,  and  would  “smile  as  he  intercepted  an
                  arrow shot at Hussain by receiving it in his chest.

                  1.    Ayati,
                  2. Ibid.
                  3. Ibid.
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