Page 154 - Pure Life 07
P. 154

82  / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.7, (Safar Al-Muzaffar 1438. Azar 1395. November 2016)

                      4.  Imam Hussain’s companions: two examples
                  There are many great examples of Imam Hussain’s
                  companions who faced the struggle of joining Imam
                  Hussain’s  army.  It  is  easy  to  look  back  at  history
                  with a quick glance, and paint every man in black or
                  white; the side of the oppressors or oppressed.
                     Unfortunately, history can sometimes overlook the
                  personal and internal struggles, and connect the dots
                  without  focusing  on  the  line  in  between.  One  man
                  who faced a heavy decision was Zuhair ibn Qayn.  It
                  is narrated by a companion of Zuhair ibn Qayn who
                  states that their caravan was proceeding to Iraq.
                     On their journey, they met the caravan of Imam
                  Hussain, but avoiding taking the same resting place
                  as Imam Hussain. “However, on one occasion, it so
                  happened  that  [they]  were  obliged  to  halt  at  the
                  same place at which Hussain bin Ali halted. [They]
                  pitched [their] tents on one side and he pitched his
                  on the other. While we were taking our meals there
                  suddenly a messenger of the Imam came.
                     He  saluted  us  and  said:  ‘O  Zuhair  bin  Qayn!
                  Hussain bin Ali has called you.’”
                     Although  Zuhair  tried  to  avoid  meeting  the
                  responsibility  of  joining  Imam  Hussain,  he  was
                  eventually  left  to  make  a  decision  and  could  no
                  longer turn a blind eye.

                  1.    Ayati,
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