Page 165 - Pure Life 07
P. 165

The Day of Ashura: A Microcosm of the
                                   Human Condition
                      Maryam Naqvi (Pakistan) , Dr. Mahdi Islami (Iran)
                           Reccive: 02/09/2016                   Accept: 05/11/2016
                      1.  Choice: the cause of felicity or adversity
                      2.  The reasons of Imam Hussain’s mission
                      3.  The true nature of Imam Hussain followers and Yazid’s army
                      4.  Imam Hussain’s companions: two examples
                      5.  A martyr’s blood: the cause of immortality
                      6.  Keeping alive the truth of the Day of Ashura and the
                         message of Imam Hussain
                      7.  Every human's role in creating history
                  Keywords: Ashura, Microcosm, Human Condition

                      1.  Choice: the cause of felicity or adversity
                  From  the  creation  of  the  first  human  to  the  present
                  population of seven billion, there is undoubtedly a universal
                  agreement that humans are unique from other creation. God
                  has created humans with a special capacity for intellect.
                     Unlike  angels  who  are  governed  by  command,  or  animals
                  governed by instinct, humans have the unique ability to use their
                  reason to make individual decisions. When the intellect governs
                  a human’s life, the soul strives towards Justice, thus allowing one
                  to manifest one’s true nature. It is one’s choices that ultimately
                  lay out the path for the future with the bricks of history.
                     The successes and failures of people and of civilizations are conducted
                  through a series of choices. In the moment, many choices feel confined to
                  the present. It is not until years later that one can understand how certain
                  decisions shook the earth and will continue to echo through time.

                  1. Ma in Department of Islamic Studies, Al-Mustafa Internatonal
                  University, Qom, Iran,
                  2. PhD in Department of Literature Mysticism, Al-Mustafa Open
                  University, Qom, Iran,
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