Page 161 - Pure Life 07
P. 161

The Day of Ashura: A Microcosm of the Human Condition / 75

                     I  advise  you to  enter  into the  agreement  which
                  the  people  entered  into  and  to  be  patient  as  you
                  were patient before.”
                     His advice, on the surface, is seen as a concern
                  for the well-being of the ummah .
                     He  does  not  want  to  see  the  ummah  separated
                  and be led into fighting against the Imam.
                     Shaykh Amili eloquently analyzes the choices of
                  such  men  who  tried  to  lead  Imam  Hussain  away
                  from confronting the army of Yazid. He states, “In
                  outward  appearance  at  least,  they  were  not
                  supporters of the regime. They were only looking
                  [...] at the revolution [...] with a basic attitude [...]
                  which was the maintenance and acceptance of the
                  status quo [...] not because it was just, but only [...]
                  because  any  change  would  not  agree  with  their
                  temperaments and interests.”
                     Shaykh Amili explains how the political climate
                  during this time was not black and white. It was not
                  simply those who believed in upholding principles
                  versus those who did not. There were those whose
                  choices did not rely on the benefit of society, but
                  rather on their personal interests.
                     Such men covered their ulterior motives with a
                  mask of genuine concern, but their attempts did not

                  1.  Shams  Ad-Din  Al-Amili,
                  2. Community of Muslims, the Muslim world.
                  3. Shams Ad-Din Al-Amili, Ibid.
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