Page 164 - Pure Life 07
P. 164

72  PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.7, (Safar Al-Muzaffar 1438. Azar 1395. November 2016)

                     The  Tragedy  of  Karbala  is  a  microcosm  which
                  encompasses  what  it  means  to  be  human  by
                  providing  a  depiction  of  the  choices  every  human
                  being  must  make  throughout  his  or  her  life.  It
                  illustrates choices of truth and falsehood; the choice
                  to  sacrifice  for  the  next  world  or  surrender  one’s
                  humanity for the temporary rewards of this world.
                     The  Day  of  Ashura  reflects  two  potentials  for
                  human nature: the side of animals and the side of
                  angels.  It  illustrates  what  it  means  to  use  one’s
                  intellect,  to  make  the  (often  difficult)  choice  to
                  uphold the key tenets of humanity. In this paper, I
                  intend to explicate the choices that were made on
                  the  journey  to  Karbala,  during  Karbala,  and  after
                  Karbala  (through  the  depictions  of  historians),  in
                  order to demonstrate the microcosmic nature of all
                  of humanity, encompassed in a single event.

                         2.  The reasons of Imam Hussain’s mission
                  Imam  Hussain’s  mission  does  not  begin  with  the
                  instatement  of  Yazid’s  caliphate.  His  mission
                  begins with the creation of his soul, as the son of
                  ‘Ali,  and  the  grandson  of  Prophet  Muhammad,
                  peace  be  upon  them.  His  mission,  from  the  very
                  beginning, is to “seek to enjoin what is good and
                  forbid what is evil and follow the traditions of [his]
                  grandfather and [his father].”

                  1.  Mutahhari,
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