Page 163 - Pure Life 07
P. 163

The Day of Ashura: A Microcosm of the Human Condition / 73

                      His soul did not allow him to give allegiance to
                  an immoral and unjust leader. His mission was not
                  born out of a need for power, but was to “‘correct
                  not conquer,’”  and to simply refuse to be silent in
                  the face of injustice. Imam Hussain tells the people,
                  “[The Caliphate] ha[s] spread corruption, suspended
                  the  application  of  Islamic  laws,  and  taken  to
                  themselves  Muslims'  wealth.  Besides  forbidding
                  what is permitted and allowing what is forbidden."
                     For the likeness of his character, the Imam had "no
                  choice but to announce his outright rejection" of Yazid.
                     He  chose  to  pursue  a  journey  based  on
                  principles, while many chose to remain indifferent,
                  so as to not to disrupt their lives with hardship.
                     History  recounts  certain  people  who  attempted  to
                  derail Imam Hussain from his mission. As mentioned
                  in “The Revolution of Imam Al-Hussain (a),” a man
                  by the name of ‘Abd Allah ibn Muti’ al-’Adawi warns
                  the  Imam,  “By  God,  if  you  see  what  the  Umayyad
                  clan has in their hands, it will kill you [...] By God, it
                  is the sanctity of Islam which will be defiled [...]
                  Do  not  go  to  Kufa.  Do  not  expose  yourself  to  the
                  Umayyad clan.”

                  1.  Mutahhari,  Tehran.
                  2. Yusuf Fadhl,
                  3. Mutahhari, Ibid.
                  4. Shams Ad-Din Al-Amili,
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