Page 143 - Pure Life 08
P. 143


                  173  An Explanatory Model of Word Selection in the Translation of the Holy Quran

                     The article 'the' at the beginning of the verse is
                  not  capitalized,  because  it  follows  the  previous
                  verse with a comma.
                     The  meaning  of  rahman  and  rahim,  together
                  with  their  broad  sense  of  meaning  and  the
                  difference  between  them,  was  explained  at  length
                  while commenting on  bismillah and the repetition
                  of which is not required.

                         4.  The Master of the Day of Judgment
                  The verse has two basic parts:
                     Mālik-i:  –meaning  the  Lord,  owner,  ruler,  etc;
                  Yawmid Deen (noun + noun: Yawm – meaning day:
                  Din–  meaning  account,  reckoning,  obeying,
                  tradition and, etc).
                     The article 'the' at the beginning of the verse is
                  not  capitalized  again,  because  it  follows  the
                  previous verse with a comma.
                     Also, the word mâlik means owner, possessor or
                  ruler, but here it has a sense of sovereign who has
                  absolute  authority  over  everyone  at  that  day.  On
                  the  other  hand,  according  to  Longman  Dictionary
                  the  word  'master'  is  a  man  who  has  control  or
                  authority  over  servants  or  workers.  It  seems  even
                  though  it  is  not  the  exact  equivalent  of  mâlik,  it
                  could be an acceptable one.

                  1. Al Ashfahani, 1412 H.
                  2. Longman Dictionary, 2008.
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