Page 106 - Pure Life 11
P. 106

Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /105

                  In  2006, The  Shivah won  an AGS  Award for Best
               Dialogue  writing  and  Gilbert  won  the  Lifetime
               Achievement  Award. The  Shivah came  2nd  in  Game
               Tunnel's  Sound  award  for  2006 and  3rd  in  their
               Adventure/Quest Game of the Year awards.
                  Other  Web  sites  states  for  The  Shivah:”This  game  is
               not for everyone; no game is. But if you adore old-school
               adventure  games;  and  you  are  willing  to  overlook
               antiquated  graphics  for  the  sake  of  a  story  with  actual
               emotional  impact.  Then  downloading  the  demos  is  a
               mitzvah”.   And  talking  about  mitzvah,  there  is  a  case
               when at a Reform synagogue used a game during a Jewish
               religious worship.
                  ”At  a  Bar  Miztvah,  the  clergy  and  staff  of  the
               synagogue struggled to reach the child, until they tapped
               into his passion for Minecraft. Facing a variety of learning
               differences,  the  child  was  eventually  able  to  have  a  Bar
               Mitzvah ceremony including a live video tour that he gave
               of  a  Minecraft  design  inspired  by  his  Torah  portion.  He
               performed  exegesis  of  the  text  through  designing
               structures in Minecraft.
                  The  rabbi  at  the  synagogue  describes  how  the
               community  found  this  to  be  a  deeply  moving  and
               meaningful experience for all involved, and cites the use
               of Minecraft as a key for an important moment in the life
               of the synagogue and the family.”
                  Islam does not forbid leisure or having fun in permissible
               ways,  so  a  UK-based  company  named  Abu  Isa  Games
               developed in 2006 the game Abu Isa’s Quest for knowledge.

               1., September 16, 2017.
               2., September 16, 2017.
               3. Campbel, 2010,  p. 63.
               4. Ibid, p. 18.
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