Page 102 - Pure Life 11
P. 102

Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /101

               conduct-  such  as  cop-killing,  prostitute-bashing,  or  other
               criminal  behavior,  no  Bible-bashing  believers,  no  Bible
               thumpers, no radical extremists killing in the name of God,
               no abortion clinic stalkers.
                  As  Mark  Hayse  argue  the  FAQ  weakly  differentiates
               between spiritual and physical warfare, between sanitized
               and  gratuitous  violence,  for  example,  FAQ  declares,
               “Christians are quite clearly taught to turn the other cheek
               and to love their enemies.
                  It is equally true that no one should forfeit their lives to
               an aggressor who is bent on inflicting death. Forgiveness
               does not require absolute defenselessness.”
                  Ironically,  the  FAQ  goes  so  far  as  to  imply  that
               occasional killing is necessary, though undesirable. It reads,
               “unnecessary killing will result in lower Spirit points.”
                  To succed in Left Behind: Eternal Life, the player must
               accumulate large quantities of spirit points. However spirit
               point slowly decrease in time so to maintain a high level of
               spiritual  points  the  player  must  frequently  press  the  Pray
               key, that way a unit can belong to God if it has big amount
               of spiritual points, indicated by a green bar, or it can belong
               to evil if it has a loe amount of spiritual points, indicated
               buy a red bar. Recruiting and training are the aswer to the
               practices of personal evangelism and discipleship.
                  Through the gameplay, the player can scan the city for
               neutrals.  Neutrals  are  people  with  a  grey  bar  and  they
               don’t belong to God or evil.
                  A successfully recruited neutral will flash with divine
               power, granting a new uniforme, if player shoots a neutral
               by accident, his spirit points will drop dramaticaly.

               1., September 9, 2010.
               2. Hayse, 2010, pp. 3-4.
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