Page 109 - Pure Life 11
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               108  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
               The Dangers Beneath Video Games
               Most of the bad effects of video games are blamed on the
               violence  they  contain.   Children  who  play  more  violent
               video games are more likely to have increased aggressive
               thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and decreased prosocial
               helping, according to a scientific study.
                   Also according to Dmitri A. Christakis of the Seattle
               Children’s  Research  Institute,  those  who  watch  a  lot  of
               simulated  violence,  such  as  those  in  video  games,  can
               become  immune  to  it,  more  inclined  to  act  violently
               themselves,  and  are  less  likely  to  behave  emphatically.
               This, however, is still hotly debated because so far, there
               is a lack of evidence showing that excessive use of video
               games  leads  to  long-term  desensitization  and  lack  of
                   A 2017 study published in Frontiers in Psychology, for
               example,  didn’t  find  any  long-term  effects  of  playing
               violent video games and empathy.
                   The  American  Psychological  Association  (APA)
               also concluded that  there  is  a  “consistent  correlation”
               between  violent  game  use  and  aggression,  but  finds
               insufficient evidence to link violent video play to criminal
                   It appears that there will always be violent people, and
               it  just  so  happen  that  many  of  them  also  enjoy  playing
               violent video games.
                   A  2017  study  from  the  Université  de  Montréal
               suggests that playing action video games like Call of Duty
               may  actually  harm  the  brain.  Most  study  participants
               mainly use an area of the brain called the caudate nucleus.

               1., September 18, 2017.
               September 18, 2017.
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