Page 15 - Pure Life 11
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               14  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                  From  the  viewpoint  of  Carlson,  nowadays  western
               societies  are  moving  toward  a  group  like  extended
               families,  whose  main  and  most  important  value  is
                  Furthermore,  media  with  their  influence  on  the
               unfavorable parent children relationship can be source of
               change  in  the  child  upbringing  process.  Compared  to
               previous  ones,  the  current  generation  is  less  likely  to  be
               embracing the values dictated by the family.
                  In sum, it can be safely argued that not only mosques,
               schools  and  other  disciplinary  institutions  play  a  role  in
               child  upbringing  but  also  media  plays  a  specifically
               influential role. Children usually choose their role models
               in media. No surprise that actors and actresses in movies
               and  soap  operas  play  a  more  significant  role  than
               university professors or school teachers as a role model.

                   -  Family Environment and Parental Behavior in Media
               Total  lack  of  control  or  shortcoming  in  controlling
               children  will  increase  the  risk  of  social  malfunctions.
               Weakness  in  social  control  or  family  control  indicates
               chaos  and  upon  witnessing  chaos  in  family  upbringing
               children  may  be  tempted  to  behave  in  a  way  that  runs
               counter to the expectations and beliefs of parents.
                  On  the  other  hand,  some  parents  might  strive  toward
               controlling their children but some might not have found
               the  proper  method  and  way  of  controlling  them,  these
               parents will show serious contradictions in their behavior
               toward children.
                  Some parents in their way of handling the problems and
               affairs of children may show serious weaknesses and children
               are well aware of their parents weaknesses in this regard.
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