Page 29 - Pure Life 11
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               28  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                  The  purpose  of  its  creators  might  not  be  to  fan  the
               flames  of  family  and  domestic  violence,  quite  the
               contrary,  they  might  strive  to  strengthen  the  pillars  and
               foundation of the family, however, there is a widening gap
               between what we name as purpose and what happens in
               reality in media programs.
                  It  is  even  possible  that  avarice  and  greediness  of
               children  and  their  luxurious  life  demands  will  create  a
               series  of  false  needs  and  desires  in  the  viewers  and
               encourage them to achieve such luxuries.
                  New  theories  in  family  violence  are  attempting  to
               investigate  the  fundamental  reasons  that  make  families
               prone toward violence.
                  According to recent theories, violence against women is
               not restricted to only a person or a family, but is in fact a
               reflection  of  the  widespread  sexual  and  economic
               inequality in the whole society.
                  These scholars believe that violence against women is
               not an infraction of the social order, but it is indeed a form
               of endorsement of certain kinds of social order. The roots
               of such behavior can be traced to the socio-cultural belief
               that describe women as inferior and not equal to men.
                  Thus, media is not simply a propagator of certain forms
               of  behavior,  media  in  this  case  is  just  reflecting  beliefs
               and values that the society has tacitly approved.
                  From the viewpoint of social learning, children that are
               exposed to family violence from early childhood, are more
               prone to be violent in adult years. This theory point to the
               experience  and  exposure  to  violence  from  the  early

               1. Dobash, 1979, p. 15.
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