Page 32 - Pure Life 11
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Modern Media and Changing the Functions of Family /31

                  Media  play  an  active  role  in  all  the  above-mentioned
               areas. In some cases, the immediate impact of a TV series
               can easily be seen in the words and behavior of some people.
               Radio  programs  also  play  an  active  role  in  decreasing
               domestic violence, by tackling family and social issues.
                  Violence against women is worrying in all countries of
               the  world  even  in  advanced  countries  that  have
               progressive laws to prevent violence in families.  1
                  In  advanced  countries,  media  are  used  as  an  effective
               tool  in  reducing  domestic  violence,  in  fact  these  are  the
               wants  and  needs  of  government  and  social  institutions.
               However,  in  the  other  side  of  the  coin,  the  commercial
               film  production  companies  and  cable  TV  programs  are
               worsening the situation by showing action movies.
                  It  can  be  deduced  from  the  status  quo  that  social
               benefits  that  governments  are  seeking  are  in  contrast  to
               material  and  monetary  goals  that  film  production
               companies are pursuing. Depiction of violence in movies
               will  stimulate  violent  behavior,  since  violence  does  not
               curb  the  temptation  for  violence.  In  fact  violence
               stimulates  violence  and  foments  aggression  and  violent
               behavior among people.
                  On  the  other  hand,  victims  of  the  family  violence
               (mostly women and children) look for ways to tackle this
               situation.  Programs  that  talk  about  equality  of  men  and
               women’s  rights,  roundtables  that  pay  attention  to  family
               issues  with  guests  such  as  lawyers,  counsellors,
               psychologists  and  sociologist  in  media  are  valuable
               attempts to increase awareness of family members about
               their range of responsibilities and rights.

               1. Clein, 2004, p. 25.
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