Page 31 - Pure Life 11
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               30  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)

                  Mostly, men use violence against their wives. Physical
               and mental violence at homes will not only have physical
               harms, but also humiliate and belittle children.
                  Nevertheless, many cases of domestic violence remain
               unknown  and  undiscovered,  possibly  because  some
               women see themselves deserving violence since they have
               neglected  to  fulfill  their  duties,  they  might  fear  further
               violence for disclosing secrets of the family, or else they
               might  feel  humiliated  because  of  violence  and  refuse  to
               publicize it.
                  Unfortunately,  there  are  no  laws  to  protect  families
               against  domestic  violence  in  some  cases.  Violence  has
               diverse  personal  and  social  dimensions.  The  personal
               effects  of  violence  is  that  it  decreases  efficiency  of  a
               person in workplace, decrease the learning rate, and leads
               to a failure of people in having social interactions.
                  The minimum effects of domestic violence are failure to
               have social interaction, running away from home, suicide,
               failure in participating in public meetings and discussions,
               failure  in  expressing  personal  views,  having  negative
               mentality of one’s own, social seclusion, fear and anxiety,
               lack of independence, failure in the realization of one’s true
               potentials  and  talents,  and  most  importantly,  continuation
               of violence. World health organization has set its priority
               goal  in  its  campaign  against  domestic  violence
               “understanding the issue of violence against women”.
                  The first five priorities of the violence against women
               campaign are as follows: making binding policies for the
               public,  creating  supportive  environments,  revision  in
               government  services,  betterment  of  social  action  to
               combat     domestic     violence    against    women,      and
               development of social and individual skills in people for a
               non-violent co-existence.
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