Page 30 - Pure Life 11
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Modern Media and Changing the Functions of Family /29

                  This experience might be formed from the content that
               is depicted by TV, or might even be encouraged by that.
                  It  can  be  argued  that  inducement  of  an  ideology  or  a
               wrong  way  of  thinking  in  all  aspects  or  behavioral
               grounds can lead to worsening or formation of new social
               misconducts.  The  role  of  media  is  related  to  proposing
               needs and demands of people.
                  In  some  TV  series  married  people  are  accused  of
               having  secret  affairs  and  extra-marital  relationships  with
               other  people.  Although  these  series  aim  to  show  the
               wrongness of such a behavior, some viewers might have
               superficial understanding of the aim of the movie and be
               influenced by it somehow.
                  Media  is  a  powerful device  in  culturalization  process,
               reforming social behavior and family relations. Therefore,
               it is expected that the nature of programs be harmonious
               with  these  targets,  but  what  we  experience  in  reality  is
               moral decadence, and a weakening of internal relationship
               between family members.
                  Family violence is an inevitable consequence of these
               causes. Thus, media can’t take measures in order to reduce
               family  violence  without  a  proper  understanding  of  its
                  It is worth mentioning that violence can be transferred
               from generation to generation. A child exposed to parental
               or  relatives’  violence  is  not  only  more  prone  to  have
               emotional disorders, but is also more likely to be victim of
               violence or violent behavior (Rafifar, 2007:8).

                   -  The Role of Media in Violence Against Women
               Violence against women is rampant in many countries, but
               unfortunately it remains unknown, and is tacitly accepted
               as an everyday practice.
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