Page 87 - Pure Life 11
P. 87


               86  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
               Also  Harry  J.  Brown  (Brown,  2008,  pp.  104  –  107)  notes  that
               along  with  the  promotion  of  an  ethical  concern  for  the  weak,
               video games promote a reactive ethic of vigilantism and violence
               against  all  members  of  a  given  social  class  or  oppositional
               alignement. So if video games once struggled for legitimacy as a
               cultural product, today the business of video games is booming,
               and  increasingly  the  art  of  video  games  is  turning  to  religious
               themes as not just inspiration but as central plot elements. We find
               moral  decisions,  invented  religions,  the  power  to  create  and
               experience virtual religious spaces and much more outcomes like
               these. Through a consideration of a list of popular video games this
               article proposes to show how video games teach their players the
               new  gospel  of  cyberspace,  where  they  can  be  what  they  want
               without effort and major consequences for the real life.

               Key  Words:  Video  Games,  Religion,  Religious  Education,

               Nowadays religiously oriented video games have gained media and
               public  attention.  For  instance  evangelical  Christians  created  Left
               Behind: Eternal Forces, a video game based on a popular fiction
               series dramatazins the end of the world as told through Revelation.
                   Judaism has his own games superheroes as seen in The
               Shivah: A rabbinical adevnture of mourning and mystert.
               The protagonist of the game, Rabbi Stone must solve the
               mystery behind a monetary gift related to a crime.
                   This  trend  was  adopted  by  Muslim  too,  resulting  in
               Islamogamig, which cultural critic Ed Halter describes as a diverse
               field, ranging from amateur projects by students, unabashed anti-
               Zionist  propaganda  produced  by  an  internationally  recognozed
               terrorist  organization,  religious  games  designed  to  explore  the
               complex realities of Middle Eastern history.

               1. Campbel, 2010,  p. 64.
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