Page 88 - Pure Life 11
P. 88

Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /87

                   In  this  paper  I  want  to  point  out  the  link  between
               religious education and video games. Also i want to show
               that  video  games  started  decades  ago  to  replace  traditons
               and cultures and tries to supply the human’s spiritual needs.

               What are Video Games?
               A simple Google search brings up the definition: “a game played
               by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer
               program on a television screen or other display screen.”
                   Popular website, Wikipedia, describes video games as
               “an electronic game that involves human interaction with
               a  user  interface  to  generate  visual  feedback  on  a  video
               device such as a TV screen or computer monitor.”
                   So a video game is a set of stimulating images that are
               manipulated  by  a  user  via  some  form  of  computer
               program. Usually these image manipulation has a goal to
               achieve, which revolves around a plot or story.
                   Many of the early video games, like Pong, were devoid of
               religion. In fact, none of them had any detailed narratives and
               complex  actions.  The  earliest  of  games  were  found  in  the
               arcade, and were extremely limited by the technology of the
               time,  and  presupposition  that  video  games  were  a  secular,
               leisure activity for children. When the market opened up for
               computer and more complicated console games, the narratives
               and  actions  of  the  characters  became  more  complex,  as  the
               designers were not as limited by the technology.
                   In time games moved from two to three dimensional,
               the  stories  became  deeper  and  longer  in  duration,  also
               with completing the game the player learn some moral or
               religious  lessons.  Eventually  from  a  single  story  path,

               1. Google: what are video games?
               2., September 10, 2017.
               3. Boren, 2016, p. 18.
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