Page 90 - Pure Life 11
P. 90

Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /89

                   Though Wolfenstein 3D is regarded as the first sucessful
               example  of this  genre, it wasn't  until the release  of Doom
               that people began to recognize the true potential of this type
               of gaming. Doom enabled multiple game players to share in
               the same game simultaneously via modem and LAN.
                   This would become the standard of this genre, opening
               the  game  format  up  to  multi-player  deathmatches  that
               would  become  so  important  to  the  format  that  some  put
               little effort into story and the single-player experience in
               general (i.e., Unreal Tournament and Quake III).
                   Though this is a relatively new genre (since the early
               1990s),  it  has  grown  in  popularity.  Examples  of  first-
               person-shooter franchises include Wolfenstein 3D, Doom,
               Duke  Nukem  3D,  Descent,  Marathon,  GoldenEye,  Halo,
               Quake, and Time Splitters.
                   Adventure:  Another  of  the  first  video  game  genres,
               especially from the computer platforms, was the adventure
               game.  These  were  initially  text-based  games  like  Will
               Crowther's  Collossal  Cave  and  the  original  Zork  games.
               However,  as  the  power  of  the  gaming  systems  grew,
               developers tried to tap into the visual capabilities of each
               consecutive platform.
                   The  Atari  VCS  offered  a  game  entitled  Adventure.
               Roberta Williams began develping the King's Quest series
               for Sierra Online in an attempt to add interactive graphics
               and  point-and-click  funtionality  to  the  more  puzzle-
               oriented traditional text-based adventure.
                   There  has  always  been  a  strong  following  for  this
               genre because of the challenge of puzzle-solving and the
               general lack of violence. This has also made it popular for
               many  non-traditional  gaming  demographics.  In  recent
               years,  LucasArts  and  Cyan  have  been  known  for  their
               contributions to the adventure genre.
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