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               112  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 107-140, Summer 2020
               Muslim character and it is only a        Therefore,     it   can     be
               matter of time before we have a       suggested that it cannot suffice
               worthy translation of the Qur'an      to  read  only  one  translated
               in that tongue. (Kidwai, 1987)        version  of  the  Holy  Quran  for
                  Despite  the  immediate  need      those  who  do  not  know  the
               for  an  acceptable  English          original language; Although the
               translation  of  Quran,  there  are   non-native  speakers  of  Arabic
               some  problems  which  most  of       cannot  receive  the  same  effect
               the translators are dealing with.     as  that  created  on  the  original
               Firstly,  there  is  no  complete     readers,  the  more  successful
               equivalence      between      the     translated  versions  they  read,
               corresponding  linguistic  items      the  more  approximate  they
               of  the  two  language  systems,      become  to  the  original  text.
               Arabic and English in the case        (Asadi Amjad, 2013)
               of this study.                           Saffarzadeh,  argues  that  the
                  The     problem     is   even      greatest  values  of  the  Holy
               aggravated  as  the  Quranic          Quran         which        many
               Arabic  is  a  Quranic-specific       commentators  and  translators
               language.                             have  failed  to  translate  justly
                  The  difficulty  and  problem      and  accurately  are  Divine
               in    translating    from     one     Names  known  as  Asmā  ul
               language into another  is posed       Hosnā in Arabic. (Saffarzadeh,
               by  the  concept  of  non-            2001: 1542)
               equivalence,     or    lack    of        This  factor,  she  believes,  is
               equivalence (Baker).                  the  major  flaw  which  has
                  Since  the  Holy  Quran  has       caused  confusion  and  brought
               many  beautiful  features  in         about  an  evident  sign  of
               terms of both form and content,       incompleteness        of      the
               no single translated version can      meanings  of  the  Words  of
               ever  encapsulate  all  these         Revelations  throughput  the
               features;  Even  no  combination      Holy Quran.
               of  all  translated  versions  can       She  maintains  that  “any
               ever  cover  all  the  beautiful      translation  void  of  attention  to
               features of the original text.        these  meanings  which  usually
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