Page 114 - Pure Life 23
P. 114
Exploring English Translations of Quran… H. Alimi Baktash and M.H. Amiri / 113
confirm and complete each verse social, and regional grounds.
loses a substantial part of its (Bakri Al-Azzam, Mohammed
validity”. (Asadi Amjad, 2013) Al-Ahaydib, Eman Al-Huqail, 2015)
Except syntactic and semantic
confusions, culture-bound Methodology
expressions raise various translation The first step is to find related
problems. (Catford, 1965) translations - in this project it is
Translation of cultural FLAGH chapter - of Quran as
expressions is problematic, for much as possible.
the fact that the formation of The more translation you
such expressions is highly can find the more thorough
influenced by culture. your research would be,
It should be pointed out that because the wider statistical
certain expressions can be population the more details will
similar in different cultures, but be covered.
are observed and viewed 57 is the number of
differently by people belonging translation which through our
to those cultures. search was found from various
In the Qur’anic discourse, translators from early 17
the divine text reflects some century up to more recent ones.
social activities of Arabs in the Then all have been
pre-Islamic period; the organized in a table in form of
expressions that denote such an excel files so we can sorts
social acts and events are hard each translators terms for each
to fully obtain in translation verse in groups; So that we
because of their cultural have a group of translation for
idiosyncrasies. each verse.
It can be said that culture- In order to give a number for
bound expressions in the frequency of each translation of
Qur’an can pose translation each word, it should been
difficulties. What made some provide a specific table with
expressions difficult to convey four columns:
is their historical, cultural, 1. Translation term,
2. Translators name,