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Capacities of Cyberspace… A. Barati  / 19

                  So  all  kins  of  superstition       Other examples in this genre
               and zeal and fanatism or racism       include  Nicholas  Negroponte's
               and  arrogance  and  selfishness      Being  Digital  and  Michael
               in  a  religion  and  for  sure       Dertouzos'  new  book,  What
               violence  and  extremism  can         Will Be: How the New World
               make the religion inconvenient        of  Information  Will  Change
               to the contemporary world.            Our     Lives.     (Negroponte,

                  The      most       dangerous      Knopf, 1995- Dertouzos, 1997)
               problem  of  our  contemporary
               world  is  that  the  divices  are    Conclusion
               progressed  and  the  Ideas  and      For  making  peace  and  co-
               Dogmas are backwrded.                 operation  between  the  religion
                  Because  or  perhaps  in  spite    and ICT or cyberspace we need
               of  both  the  importance  and        a  better  co-operation  between
               difficulty  of  addressing  the       religious leadres and educators
               future  of  the  information  age,    from  one  hand  and  the  the
               there  has  been  no  shortage  of    highest councils and boards of
               attempts to do so.                    the  ICT  and  IS  (Information
                  These  attempts  break  down       Society) in the world to prevent
               roughly  into  three  categories.     abuse    of   this   technology
               The  first  contains  those  who      against  the  humanity  and  the
               would     project    from     the     mankind  and  also  against  the
               capabilities    generated      by     religion and the prestige of it.
               information  technology  where           We  know  that  how  the
               the information age might go.         extremist  and  terrorist  groups
                  Let's  call  these  people         are  using  the  web  against  the
               technologists. Prominent in this      real message of the religion.
               category  would  be  Microsoft's         While     the     real    and
               Bill  Gates.  His  best-selling       progressive religions like Islam
               book—The  Road  Ahead—is  a           and  Christianity  and  Judaism
               good  example  of  suggesting         are  calling  for  passion  and
               how  technological  advances          mercy  and  helping  needy
               might  affect  our  lives  in  the    people  and  poor  and  deprived
               years ahead.                          people and encouraging Justice
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