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               36   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 23-46, Summer 2020
               structured  knowledge  structure         In this case, the analysis will
               are  able  to  analyze  the  overall   not  be  useful  in  the  structural
               and  partial  elements  of  the       and  practical  aspects  because
               message.                              the individuals do not know the
                  In  discussions  about  the        number and nature of the points
               religions  in  cyberspace,  users     contained  in  the  message.  In
               should also ask questions about       such    a   situation,   another
               the  content  presented  in  the      dimension of the subject should
               message  and  then  look  for         be formed.
               answers.                                 In  fact,  the  users  should
                  In  this  regard,  they  should    determine  the  for  and  against
               refer   to    their   knowledge       views regarding the message and
               structure.  This  structure  only     then select the middle ground; so
               takes shape when people read a        that  he  can,  based  on  the  focal
               lot and at the same time refer to     plane    analysis,   get    more
               reliable sources.                     information  about  the  for,
                  In  fact,  they  should  address   against, and impartial views and
               the  structures,  meanings  and       the  necessity  of  their  existence.
               applications of the components        This analysis requires library or
               contained  in  the  message,  and     online reading.
               ask    questions     about    the        The  more  a  user  reads,  the
               message producers (who), their        more  he  acquaints  with  the
               goals (why), the impact of their      quality  of  the  views  which  in
               messages  on  the  audience  (the     turn is a kind of learning.
               effect of the message), the time         Analysis is a kind of tool, so
               and  place  of  producing  the        the amount of message analysis
               messages  (the  context  of           depends  on  our  goals.  If  the
               message  production)  and  the        message  is  important,  then  it
               authenticity  of  the  produced       requires  more  analysis  at
               messages  (validity  of  the          different  semantic,  structure,
               message);  But  what  should  be      and  application  levels.  But  as
               done  if  the  message  is  new  to   soon  as  a  component  of  a
               users and they do not have any        message  is  found  that  requires
               background information about?         analysis,  the  generalization  of
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