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               34   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 23-46, Summer 2020
               can  easily  come  up  with           semantic  level  of  a  message
               component analysis.                   and the information it includes.
                  For example, if we receive a          For  example, for the purpose
               letter  from  a  friend,  we  will    of  finding  the  meaning  of  a
               immediately      find   out    by     religious message, users should
               reading  the  text  that  his         understand  the  meaning  of  the
               intention  is  to  convey  the  real   terms  and  metaphors  that
               emotional  feelings  or  make  a      followers    of    a   particular
               sarcasm;  But  if  we  receive  a     religious  community  use  to
               letter from an alien, we will not     avoid  any  misunderstanding
               be  able  to  decide  to  reject  the   that  in  turn  can  lead  to  harsh
               letter or respond to it.              voice and insulting.
                  The  third  step  in  the             For example, in Islamic texts
               component  analysis  is  to           one can find some words such
               determine  the  elements  in  the     as  kufar  (unbelievers),  ahl  al-
               message  and  their  significance     kitāb  (people  following  the
               in order to achieve a complete        Book),  dhimmi  (a  protected
               picture  of  the  message  by         person),  jihad  (struggle),  and
               putting  these  elements  in  their   taqiyya  (dissimulation)  that
               appropriate  place  like  the         may  make  individuals  from
               pieces  of  a  puzzle;  But  in  this   other   religions    confused.
               regard,  we  can  do  outline         (Townsend, 2014: 12-46)
               analysis,  which  is  to  analyze        Even     there   are    many
               the components into their sub-        believers  of  Islam  who  do  not
               components.                           have  any  or  have  just  a  little
                  For example, an automobile         knowledge about these terms as
               is  made  up  of  various  parts      well  as  their  meanings  and
               including  engine  while  the         applications  because  they  do
               engine itself has different parts.    not read a lot.
                  In  the  field  of  dialogue          As    a    result    in   any
               between religions and faiths in       discussions  their  ideas  are  just
               social  media,  users  should  do     based  on  bias,  fanaticism  and
               component  analysis  at  the          repetition  of  others’  ideas  that
                                                     may be in turn false ones; Even
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