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The Role of States… H. Aziz  / 49

               Introduction                             New  contents  are  not  only
               Cybernetics-  as  the  science  of    learnt but also ‘felt’. Learning is
               communications  and  automatic        experienced.
               control    systems     in    both        Tutoring systems provide for
               machines  and  living  things-        one-to-one tutoring platforms to
               provides for the human interface      leverage    Mega     Data    and
               with  machines  that  produce  a      learning   analytics    for   the
               systematic    environment     for     provision  of  real-time  feedback
               interaction  as  the  basis  of       about actual performance, exact
               cyberspace-time     (CST)     for     learning  needs,  skills  gap,  and
               immersive      and    memorable       supplemental guidance.
               experiential  activities  for  the       It  compels  the  ongoing
               learner/ parent/ teacher circle.      professional  development  of
                  It  creates  a  strong  desire  in   teachers,  in  terms  of  substance,
               them to return the following year     methodology,  techniques,  and
               to further their education.           technology-use.
                  It reinforces engagement and          Technology helps teachers to
               strengthens  learning  outcomes.      transform from vault-keepers of
               It     stimulates     experiential    knowledge to coaches, mentors,
               learning that transcends old-style    and facilitators.
               science laboratory experiments.          The  strategic  challenge  for
                  Software  applications  are        education in the 21  century is to
               transforming traditional ways of      produce  and  deliver,  safely  and
               learning/      teaching      into     securely,  improved  content  in
               meaningful             real-world     less  time,  at  a  fraction  of  the
               experiences. In the CST universe      cost,  for  the  massification  and
               learners/  parents/  teachers  can    democratization  of  education  in
               land on the moon, penetrate the       order  to  help  people  to  liberate
               dense  equatorial  rainforests,       themselves  from  not  only
               interact  with  remote  indigenous    physical  but  also  mental  and
               populations,  go  back in  time to    spiritual poverty.
               the dinosaur age, or explore the
               depths of the oceans.
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