Page 54 - Pure Life 23
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The Role of States… H. Aziz  / 53

                  CST       generates      novel     and       disseminate        new
               mediated  experiences,  which         knowledge.
               could  be  mistaken  as  valid           CST  education  needs  to
               alternative  source  to  real-world   demonstrate  its  contextual  role,
               source,  which  influence  new        link  between  cognition  and
               sense    of   self-identity   and     interaction,   and     use     of
               community constructions.              interlocutory     models       as
                  The     networked      reality,    paradigms  of  communicative
               conversations with aerial friends,    interaction.
               real  self-conversations,  new
               identity    construction,     and     The Universal Basics of Cognition
               rejection  or  denial  of  living     In  spite  of  the  strong,  speedy,
               reality  result  in  the  planting  of   and exhilarating development of
               psychosocial  roots  in  CST  and     CST,  the  universal  basics  of
               gives the real person in front of     cognition remain constant in the
               the  computer  a  false  sense  of    fundamentals of education.
               uncontrolled freedom.                    The     five   elements     of
                  CST  as  psychological  space      cognition are language, learning,
               gives freedom to its populace to      memory,      intelligence,   and
               discard  the  mental  fetters  of     thinking.
               geographical    regions,    aerial       CST  merely  compels  the
               space,     time    zones,     and     purveyors of education to factor
               international  boundaries  and  to    in  hardware  and  software
               liberate  the  mind  into  the        developments  into  the  teaching
               unfettered CST domain.                and  learning  of  knowledge,
                  To  prevent  the  tectonic  shift   methodologically.
               from  culture-defining  education        It    also    compels      the
               to  tradition-free  mass  of  noisy   massification  of  education  as
               information      demands      the     democratic     practice,   which
               skilling of real people on how to     increasingly  absorbs  the  poor
               identify,   access,    and    use     into  the  world  of  systematised
               beneficial  education  or  create     mainstream education.
                                                        By extension, the massification
                                                     of Islam is democratic practice.
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