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               50   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Summer 2020

               The Philosophy of Cyberspace-            CST  is  characterised  by  the
               Time (CST)                            interactiveness  of  all  the  users
               There is a need for a philosophy      who populate it.
               of CST.                                  There  is  co-responsibility  for
                  The      five    characteristic    content  development,  availability
               elements  of  abstract  CST  are      of  information,  optimisation  of
               space,  time,  distance,  size  of    technology,          navigability,
               information,    and    navigation     simultaneity  of  responses  to
               route.                                enquiries, creation of new adaptive
                  They  exist  in  a  universal      methodologies,  and  the  creation
               energy-field.                         and distribution of knowledge.
                  Space requires locating target        CST  revolutionises  teaching
               destinations for correct delivery,    and     learning    where     the
               Distance requires speed of time       distinction  between  them  is
               for  cost-effective  and  time-       blurred.
               efficient delivery.                      This  demands  responsiveness
                  Size  requires  large  storage     by  the  educational  and  state
               capacity      for     knowledge.      institutions,  teachers,  learners,
               Navigational     route   requires     and parents in real time.
               algorithm  to  follow  specified         CST  transcends  geographical
               and  secure  routes  to  reach  the   regions, aerial space, time zones,
               intended destinations.                and international boundaries.
                  CST  requires  appropriate            The  diffusion  of  computer-
               ratios  of  distance:  speed,  time,   mediated        communication
               storage capacity, cost. The ratios    (CMC) and computer-supported
               optimise  the  use  of  CST,  The     collaborative  work  (CSCW)
               quantitative  relations  of  these    through     the    medium      of
               ratios ensure the quality of CST.     information  technology  (IT)
                  CST  gives  reference  to  the     constantly     expands      CST
               five  characteristic  elements  just   capacities.
               as  space-time  coordinates  give        Social     discontent     with
               reference to ‘motion relative to a    political    authorities,     big
               practically   rigid    body    of     business, and mainstream media
               reference’ (Einstein).                have intensified the use of CST
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