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               52   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Summer 2020

               advances  already  made  by           pitfall,  which  gets  deeper  as  its
               powerful institutions such as the     use expands exponentially.
               USA  Defence  Department,  the           The  definitions  are  made
               European     Commission,      and     difficult  by  the  numerous
               major  governments  MOU  can          notions  of  it  in  different
               overtake  them  in  the  re-          languages  and  by  different
               conceptualisation of cyberspace.      governments  having  different
               They,       generally,     define     notions of it.
               cyberspace to exclude its human          The    electron,    with    its
               and time components and treat it      indeterminate properties and the
               as  a  technological  phenomenon      applications of it by the human
               only.  Others  define  it  in         mind, is the basis of CST.
               metaphorical terms.
                  MOU  can  add  time  to            The Need for New Ways of
               cyberspace and go even beyond         Socio-Cognitive Reinforcement
               Einsteinian  spacetime  to  be  in    CST  as  a  virtual  domain  is  an
               line  with  the  discoveries  made    enabling     environment      for
               by  quantum  physics  in  energy      interactive  CMC  and  CSCW
               and energy-field, the knowledge       between     and    amongst     its
               of which makes the defining of        electronic     populace      who
               cyberspace even more difficult.       embody  diverse  subjectivities,
                  Hypothetically,  if  the  whole    which transcend national norms,
               of humanity were to vanish out        laws,    cultures,    languages,
               of  existence  CST  will  also        religions,  value-systems,  and
               vanish  due  to  its  disuse  by      identities.
               human  beings  but  the  natural         The  new  choices  offered  by
               phenomena  of  energy,  energy-       CST     may    be    unselective,
               field,  and  space-time  would        uncritical,  indiscriminate,  and
               remain intact.                        casual    that   result   in    a
                  Defining  cyberspace  results      promiscuous  array  of  values,
               in  an  incomplete  range  of         particularly,  when  the  desire  to
               notions of what it is and is not.     enter  it  becomes  obsessive  and
                  A    philosophy     of    CST      compulsive.
               somewhat  mitigates  for  this
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