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               74   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Summer 2020
                  There is a huge need for adult     The  mass  supply  of  technology
               and     youth     literacy    and     reduces  its  costs  and  makes
               numeracy.                             education more affordable.
                  The  imparting  of  higher            Affordable  technology  can
               education can be aimed only at        also  help  in  school  readiness
               those    whose     literacy   and     before  formal  education  so  that
               numeracy are at a high level.         they  enter  school  not  at  any
                  It  is  in  the  interests  of     disadvantage.
               governments        and       their       This  is  where  governments
               populations  to  invest  in  basic    should invest and let the higher
               and higher education so that the      religious  institutions  reap  the
               religious institutions have wider     reward  for  the  mental  and
               catchments of learners.               spiritual   health    of    their
                  Islamic educational institutions   populations.
               are uniquely positioned to appeal        This  will  help  to  break  the
               to the iman or faith of people and    spiral  of  mental  and  spiritual
               involve them in lifelong learning     poverty.
               as  a  means  to  overcome  the
               challenges of under-achievement.      Ongoing Professional Development
                  Islamic education aims at the      of Teachers
               development of the whole being        The     ongoing      professional
               of learners.                          development  of  teachers  has
                  The technologies available in      always  been  a  necessity  but
               CST  allow  for  one-to-one           more so now than in the past in
               tutoring 24/7.                        terms of substance and form.
                  CST  is  compelling  a  trans-        Technology  can  now  help
               disciplinary     approach      to     with this challenge on a one-to-
               learning/  teaching,  in  which       one    basis,   addressing    the
               neuroscience plays a key role.        specific challenges of individual
                  Technological  aids  are  better   teachers.
               produced  through  collaborative         It is often the experience that
               efforts for the provision of better   even  when  teachers  reach
               information  and  support  to         retirement  age  they  should  not
               overcome  learning  difficulties.     be  easily  retired  because  of  the
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