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               22  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 13-37, Autumn 2020

               originated  from  the  Father.               Paul,  still  threatening
               Christ said: Peace be with you;              and  blowing  on  the
               For  I  send  unto  you  the                 disciples  of  the  God,
               Comforter,  which  is  the  pure             came  to  the  chief  ruler
               Spirit of God. He is the source              and  asked  him  to  send
               of all truths, he comes from my              letters to the synagogue
               father and tells you everything              in Damascus, that if any
               about me. (John, 15: 26)                     of  the  denomination  of

               Factors  Influencing  the                    Christ, whether male or
               Spread of the Belief in the                  female,  found  him,  he
                                                            should  be  bound  and
               “Trinity”                                    brought  to  Jerusalem,
                    1. Paul                                 and  on  the  way,  when
               One of the people who played                 he  came  to  Damascus,
               an  important  role  in  the                 suddenly  a  light  from
               promotion  and  spread  of  the              heaven  shone  round
               religion  of  Christ  is  a  person          him,  and  he  fell  to  the
               named Paul, (Al-Sheikh, 2000: 39)            ground,  and  heard  a
               whose  letters  are  next  to  the           voice  saying  unto  him,
               Gospels       in    terms      of            Saul!  Why  are  you
               authenticity  and  in  the  Bible            persecuting  me?  Said:
               with  the  two  names  of  Paul              Who  are  you?  God
               meaning “Small” and “Saul” is                said:  I  am  Jesus  whom
               called him in the proper sense;              you  are  persecuting;
               but  before  he  converted  to               but get up and go to the
               Christianity, he was a fanatical             city,  where  you  will  be
               Jew  who  severely  persecuted               told what to do. (Acts of
               Christians; but later, as a result           the Apostles, 9: 1-9)
               of  a  revelation  he  quotes,  he      Paul influence on Christianity
               converted  to  Christianity  and      was so great that the Christian
               changed his name to Paul.             community  called  him  the
                 The  Bible  describes  his          second founder of Christianity.
               revelation as follows:                (Noss, 2013: 613)
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