Page 24 - Pure Life 24
P. 24

A Comparative Approach to the “Trinity”… A-S. Fatemi Hasanabadi and M. Islami / 23

                 One  of  the  reasons  for  Paul    first   disciples   of    Christ,
               sanctification  in  the  Christian    believing  that  Christ  was
               world  is  that  his  thoughts  and   higher  than  man  and  that  he
               opinions  made  the  Christians       was an example of a new man
               universal;  because  he  created      born  of  God.  (Wajdi,  1967:
               certain  divine  principles  that     Trinity Article)
               established the spiritual works         The  following  are  examples
               of  Jesus'  principles  in  the       of Paul words that express his
               consciences  and  souls  of  his      views    and    have     had    a
               followers. (Noss, 2013: 614)          significant  impact  on  the
                 Referring to Paul familiarity       expansion of the “Trinity”:
               with  the  Greek  language  and           -  Christ  is  a  heavenly
               his    influence     on    Greek              being who has a divine
               philosophers, Hawkes writes:                  nature and essence; but
                      Referring  to  the  epistle            he has humbled himself,
                      of  Paul  which  recounts              accepted  the  human
                      the “Gospel of Paul”; it               face  and  body,  and
                      turns  out  that  Paul                 descended from heaven.
                      views  are  close  to  the             (Noss, 2013: 614)
                      Greek “Trinity” and the            -  Christ  was  born  from
                      ideas    of    Philo,    a             generation  of  David,
                      philosopher  born  20                  and  became  known  by
                      years  before  Christ.                 the  power  of  the  Holy
                      (Hawkes, 2015: 230)                    Spirit, the Son of God.
                                                             (Epistle to the Romans, 1: 3)
                 Some  scholars  believe  that           -  Christ  is  a  cursed  God
               the apostles of the first Christ              to  bring  believers  out
               who knew him intimately were                  of the curse. (Epistle to
               far  from  the  “Trinity”;  Saint             the Galatians, 3:10)
               Peter the Apostle, for example,           -  Christ had divinity from
               saw Christ as the only man to                 the  beginning;  but  he
               whom  revelation  was  given;                 deprived  himself  of  all
               but  Paul  disagreed  with  the               its benefits and became
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