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48   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 39-54, Autumn 2020


                      adventurous, who rushed        consists  of  several  books,
                      to  war  and  turned  to       which are a total of 39 books,
                      luxuries when they reached     and among the Jews “Tanakh”
                      power      and     wealth.     is read.
                      (Saafan, 2007: 16)                The  Talmud  is  the  second
                                                     source  of  the  Jews  and  they
               Judaism and its Characteristics       derive  their  law  from  it.  This
               Religion; It is a belief and law      book is divided into two parts,
               by  which  one  worships  God.        “Mishnah” and “Gemara” .
               Every  religion  and  creed  on
               earth  must  be  based  on  the           B.  Jewish Prophets
               concept  of  submission  to  the      The  Jews  have  the  most
               status of Lordship and divinity       prophets  among  the  other
               to God:                               divine  religions;  Including
                      “The Religion before Allah     Moses,  Aaron,  Elijah,  Elisha,
                      is  Islam  (submission  to     David,  Solomon,  Zechariah,
                      His Will)”. (Quran, 3: 19)     Yahya, Jesus and others.

                  Judaism is one of the oldest           C. Jewish Beliefs
               Abrahamic  religions  and  was        The  Holy  Quran  mentions  the
               originally the religion of Moses;     ideological  characteristics  of
               of  course,  this  religion  also     the  Jews  and  highlights  the
               includes  other  cases,  some  of     characteristics  of  their  faith
               which are mentioned:                  that  revolve  around  God  and
                                                     the divine prophets.
                   A. The Book of the Jews              Examining  this,  it  becomes
               The  Jews  have  sources  from        clear  to  scholars  of  the  Holy
               which  they  take  commands           Quran  that  the  Jewish  people
               and  instructions  and  trust  in     have    gradually     undergone
               their beliefs, laws, and beliefs:     ideological  deviation.  They
               The  Old  Testament  and  the         described  God  in  such  a  way
               Talmud  The  Old  Testament           that  they  considered  attributes
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