Page 48 - Pure Life 24
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Analysis of the Social Characteristics of the Jews … B.M.R. al-Nakhli, A. al-Salman/ 47

               and  Judah;  so  the  government      Jewish Nation and Bedouin
               of Israel fell and the Jews were      Style
               scattered in different places .       The Jews turned from Bedouin
                                                     life  to  luxury  and  learned  to
               Migration of Jews to Yathrib          make handicrafts and handicrafts
               After various wars and conflicts,     such  as  pottery,  weapons,  and
               Jewish tribes migrated to Yathrib;    agricultural machinery from the
               Including Banu Qaynuqa, Banu          Canaanites,  and  their  leaders
               Nadir  and  Banu  Qurayza.            became  judges  and  rulers;  but
               There  is  news  that  the  Jews      the  judges  were  outraged  by
               knew from the Torah about the         immorality, oppression, and bribery .
               appearance  of  the  Prophet  of         However, the Jews remained
               Islam  in  Yathrib.  (Ja'farian,      committed to their ideological,
               2007: 288)                            psychological,     and     moral
                  The  Holy  Quran  refers  to       characteristics.  The  Bedouin
               the following :                       life and their strictness overcame
                      “The people of the Book        them  despite  their  fusion  with
                      know  this  as  they  know     ancient  civilizations  such  as
                      their own sons; but some       Egypt and Canaan.
                      of them conceal the truth         In  addition,  they  destroyed
                      which  they  themselves        some  of  their  heritage;  Like
                      know”. (Quran, 2: 146)         the  original  Semitic  dialect,
                  In  other  news,  it  is  known    which  became  a  Canaanite
               that  (when  the  Jews  reached       language  and  disappeared  in
               Yathrib, they filled Mount Uhud       the  worship  of  the  God
               with water and thought that this      Dumuzid with the Canaanites .
               was the place of escape from the         Gustave Le Bon writes:
               new  Prophet;  But  a  group  of             And the Israelites remained
               them realized  their  mistake and            with these qualities even
               came to the outskirts of Yathrib             in the time of their kings:
               and  they  settled  in  Khyber).             the Bedouins, vigilant and
               (Ja'farian, 2007: 288)
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