Page 47 - Pure Life 24
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46   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 39-54, Autumn 2020



                      shall  we  enter.  (But)       to enter the Holy Land in such
                      among (their) Allah-fearing    a way that the service of God
                      men were two on whom           would  be  revealed;  but  they
                      Allah had bestowed His         disobeyed  God's  commands,
                      grace: They said: Assault      and  this  is  one  of  the
                      them  at  the  (proper)        psychological     characteristics
                      Gate: when once ye are         of the Jews. The result was that
                      in, victory will be yours;     because  of  this  disobedience,  a
                      But  on  Allah  put  your      severe  punishment  descended
                      trust  if  ye  have  faith”.   on them from heaven:
                      (Quran, 5: 22-23)                     “And  remember  We
                                                            said:  Enter  this  town,
               The Arrival of the Israelites                and  eat  of  the  plenty
               into the Holy Land                           therein  as  ye  wish;  but
               During  the  period  of  the                 enter  the  gate  with
               Israelites wandering and astonishment,       humility, in posture and
               Moses  and  Aaron  died,  and                in  words,  and  We  shall
               Joshua  ibn  Nun  took  over  the            forgive  you  your  faults
               leadership of the Israelites.                and increase (the portion
                  At  that  time  the  Israelites           of)  those  who  do  good;
               invaded  the  land  of  Canaan               But  the  transgressors
               and settled in their houses and              changed  the  word  from
               palaces.  Their  entrance  was               that  which  had  been
               through killing, destruction, and            given  them;  so  We  sent
               methods of oppression and immorality;        on  the  transgressors  a
               However, God commanded them                  plague from heaven, for
                                                            that they infringed (Our
               1 .  The  people  of  Canaan  are  of        command)  repeatedly”.
               Semitic  descent  and  settled  in           (Quran, 2: 58-59)
               southern  Syria  and  Palestine  and
               controlled it until it became known      After  that,  the  Assyrians
               as the land of Canaan                 conquered the kingdom of Israel
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