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50   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 39-54, Autumn 2020


               is  without  considering  the         and  drink  and  what  is  related
               divine purposes.                      to animals and birds, marriage
                  As for the Last Judgment, it       rules,  the  Jewish  position  on
               is surprising that in the books       slavery,  the  issue  of  women,
               of the Old Testament, the Last        usury,  inheritance  and  deals
               Judgment, heaven, hell, reward        with rulings related to agriculture
               and    punishment      are   less     and politics and so on.
               mentioned  and  almost  all  of          And  all  these  laws  that
               these  statements  are  empty,        existed  in  the  books  and
               except for a small hadith “The        travels, their details and branches
               book  of  Daniel”  speaks  of         are  stated,  and  in  the  end,  it
               eternal life.                         was  decided  to  follow  them
                      And many who sleep in          and  in  case  of  deviation  from
                      graves  will  wake  up;        these  laws,  punishments  will
                      Some      will    acheive      be imposed.
                      eternal  life  and  others        At  the  same  time,  some
                      will     suffer    eternal     things  happened  to  them,
                      shame  and  humiliation.       including the Ten Commandments;
                      (Bible: 1285)                  because the monks and priests
                                                     are the ones who prepared and
                   D. Legislation in Judaism         wrote these rules and regulations
               The  legislation  revealed  to        to become a source for the Jews .
               Moses  in  the  heavenly  law  is
               in  accordance  with  common          Jewish Personality Traits
               sense and achieves justice and        The  Jewish  character  was
               prosperity for all, and included      characterized  by  a  set  of  bad
               worship,  transactions,  rights       traits and morals, and perhaps
               and  morals.  Of  course,  to  all    many of them were not found
               the    different    aspects    of     in  the  history  of  any  nation.
               individual  and  social  life,        These  traits  and  behaviors
               including  impurity  and  purity,     were  deeply  rooted  in  the
               halal  and  haram  rules,  food       psychology  of  the  Jewish
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