Page 46 - Pure Life 24
P. 46

Analysis of the Social Characteristics of the Jews … B.M.R. al-Nakhli, A. al-Salman/ 45

                      firm mass of a mountain,          And  when  Moses  was  on
                      And We made the other          his  way  to  Palestine,  he
                      party  approach  thither.      received  the  divine  command
                      We delivered Moses and         to  go  to  the  mount  Sinai  to
                      all  who  were  with  him;     receive  the  Torah  through
                      But We drowned the others” .    revelation;  So  Moses  was
                      (Quran, 26: 61-66)             absent  from  his  people  for  40
                                                     nights, and after him he chose
               Jewish Trip to Palestine              his  brother  Aaron  as  his
               After  these  events,  Prophet        successor;  But  when  he  came
               Moses  went  to  Palestine  with      down  from  the  mountain,  he
               his  people,  which  was  the         saw what the people saw from
               home  of  the  ancestors  and         turning to worship the calf, and
               divine  messengers.  On  the          he became angry with them.
               other hand, it was the Pharaohs          Moses continued on his way
               who  rebuked  and  confronted         to  Palestine  with  the  people;
               Moses; because they abandoned         But the inhabitants of Palestine
               a happy life and suffered a bad       became aware of the Israelites
               fate.  The  Holy  Quran  depicts      and their movement, and stood
               the divine currents that surrounded   in  a  position  that  prevented
               them in this way and says :           them  from  landing  in  their
                      “And  We  gave  you  the       land. It seemed to the Israelites
                      shade of clouds and sent       that  the  Palestinian  people
                      down to you Manna and          wanted  to  fight  them,  and  as
                      quails,  saying:  Eat  of      usual,  the  cowards  could  not
                      the good things We have        fight them.
                      provided  for  you:  (But             “They  said:  O  Moses!
                      they  rebelled);  to  us              In this land are a people
                      they  did  no  harm;  But             of  exceeding  strength:
                      they  harmed  their  own              Never  shall  we  enter  it
                      souls” .  (Quran, 2: 57)              until  they  leave  it:  if
                                                            (once)  they  leave,  then
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