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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 55-65, Serial Number 4, Autumn 2020

               The Notion of “Light” Interpreted in “The Niche of the Lights”
               of Ghazali
               Saeid Khanabadi *, Dr. Mahdi Dehghani Firouzabadi
               1. * PhD Student in Department of French and Latin Language and Literature, Faculty of
               Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, (Corresponding Author)
               2. Assistant Professor in Department of English Translation, Faculty of Humanities,
               Tolou-e  Mehr  Institute  of  Higher  Education,  Qom,  Iran,  and  PhD  from  University
               Sains Malaysia,
              ARTICLE INFO            Abstract
              Article History:      SUBJECT  AND  OBJECTIVES:  Since  the  revelation  of

              Received 02 December 2019   the  Holy  Quran  to  the  Prophet  Mohammad,  Muslim
              Revised 02 April 2020   thinkers  have  been  interested  in  the  interpretation  of  the
              Accepted 01 May 2020
                                    35th  verse  of  the  Surah  “Light”.  From  Fārābi,  Avicenna
              Key Words:            and  Sohrawardi  to  contemporary  Islamic  scholars,  the
              Quranic Studies       structure, content and symbolism of this verse, reputed by
              Light Surah           the title of the verse of the Light, have been studied and
              Light Verse           commented on several methods.
              The Niche of the Lights   METHOD AND FINDING: Imam Abu Hamed Mohammad
              Ghazali               Ghazali,  the  Great  Iranian  Master  of  jurisprudence,  theology,
                                    ethics, philosophy, logic and gnostic has written a very concise
              DOI:                  essay on this subject, in order to answer the question of a disciple
              10.22034/IMJPL.2020.8773.1003   who asks him to interpret this quranic verse. This book, written
                                    in  Arabic,  is  called  “Mishkat-al-Anwar”,  which  means  “The
              20.1001.1.26767610.2020.   Niche of the lights”. In this article, we will faithfully follow the
                                    approach taken by Ghazali, this famous Muslim thinker, who
                                    was  born  in  Iranian  region  of  Khorasan  at  the  time  of  the

                                    Seljukide dynasty, to explain the quranic notion of the Light.
                                    CONCLUSION:  In  the  examined  verse,  the  terms  are
                                    positioned according to a well-ordered hierarchical order.

                                    The  glass  is  in  a  niche.  The  lamp  is  in  the  glass.  This
                                    shows the hierarchy between the sources of light. That is
                                    why the quranic verse says “Light on Light”.
              * Corresponding Author:
              Email:                         Article Address Published on the Journal Site:
              ORCID: 0000-0002-1360-7907

                   NUMBER OF                NUMBER OF              NATIONALITY OF
                   REFERENCES                AUTHORS                   AUTHORS
                        6                        2                       (Iran)
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61