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               104  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 93-119, Winter 2021

               as  truly  ethical,  he  concluded    if one forgets oneself, because
               that  the  best  stage  is  the       then one forgets the ethics. To
               religious, as one act ethically but   know  oneself  is  to  be  ethical,
               for the sake of God. If ethics is     Kierkegaard argued.
               the common morals, then it can           In  the  first  theory,  “ethics”
               be overruled by the religious, as     was  used  to  define  a  stage,
               it  is  considered  as  higher.       ranging     lower     than    the
               (Kierkegaard, 1982c: 50)              “religious”  stage;  But  in  his
                  The last example of the term       later  use  of  the  term,  being
               “ethics”    is    from     work:      ethical and being religious is the
               “Concluding          Unscientific     same.  It  is  uncertain  whether
               Postscript    to    Philosophical     Kierkegaard  understood  ethics
               Fragments”.  Here  ethics  is         on  different  levels,  or  he
               described as something which is       gradually  changed  his  idea  of
               gradually  forgotten  in  the         ethics as time passed.
               society. (Kierkegaard, 1982: 24)         As     briefly    mentioned,
                  He  argued  that  ethics  is       Kierkegaard      argued      that
               what  makes  one  understand          humans  find  themselves  at
               the “reality of oneself”, and as      different stages. One can move
               ethics  are  more  and  more          from one stage to another; But
               forgotten,  people  will  lose        that takes self-understanding.
               their  understandings  of  the           The  first  stage  is  the
               reality of themselves.                “spidsborger”.  At  this  stage,
                  To  reflect,  to  think,  and  to   one acts according to the norms
               choose  the  ethical  choices  is  to   of  the  society  one  lives  in,
               understand the existence, and the     without  reflecting,  questioning
               consequence of forgetting ethics,     or choosing the actions.
               is  disremembering  of  one’s            One  merely  acts  as  the
               purpose of existence, or even the     society  expects  from  you  and
               existence in and of itself.           does  it  on  a  non-reflected
                  All knowledge and sciences         foundation.  At  this  stage,  one
               in  the  World,  does  not  matter    has not yet come to understand
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