Page 108 - Pure Life 25
P. 108

A Comparative Analysis … N.T Jørgensen and M. Sohrabian Parizi / 107

               the example of the importance         to  obey  and  understand  the
               in  a  “teleological  suspension      commandments of God.
               of the ethical”.                         Humans must not only obey
                  One  must  act  ethically;  But    orders; But must do so through
               one must act ethically because        self-awareness,  self-reflection
               of one’s relation to God, one’s       and  the  active  choice,  as  faith
               faith, not merely because of the      must  be  the  individual,  free,
               norms.  Humans  must  fulfill         reflective  choice,  concluding
               their duties towards the society      that faith is the final and central
               and themselves; But the duty to       concept of the ethical system.
               follow the commands of God is
               more important.                       Ethics and the Relationship
                  To  reach  the  position  of       to God
               religious  faith,  which  in  some    Both ethical thoughts agree on
               cases  involve  a  “teleological      the  role  of  virtues  and  their
               suspension of the ethical”, the       relation  to  the  goodness  of
               individual    must     first   act    God  but  differ  in  their
               according to the ethical.             examples.  In  the  Islamic
                  One  can  be  ethical  without     ethical  thought,  one  holds  the
               being religious; But one cannot       ability to do well; But need the
               be  religious  without  being         help  by  God  to  perfect  the
               ethical, and in some sense, only      goodness within oneself.
               true  ethical  positions  are            In  the  Christian  thought,
               reached through faith.                goodness  is  found  in  the
                  In       conclusion,       we      individual  relationship  with
               understand  that  Kierkegaard,        God,  and  the  choice  of  being
               in  his  understanding  of  a         religious. Both thoughts argue
               Christian ethical system, is an       that one must choose the good,
               eventual  advocate  for  the          and  that  the  good  actions
               Divine Command theory, as he          performed  for  others,  will
               argued  that  individuals  has  an    evidentially  lead  to  a  better
               ethical and religious obligation      position for oneself.
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